The North American Catalysis Society will provide supplemental funding for support of attendance at the 16th International Congress on Catalysis (16th ICC) to be held in Beijing, China, July 3–8, 2016. Funding for this program has been provided by federal agencies (NSF, DOE) and industry (ExxonMobil, UOP). These funds will be used to provide partial reimbursement of travel, lodging and registration expenses for attendees with priority given to:
- Faculty members in their first four years of appointment to ladder-rank positions and currently active in catalysis research at U.S. institutions.
- Postdoctoral and graduate student presenting oral or poster contributions at the 16th ICC.
- Invited chairs of session at the 16th ICC meeting.
- Other applicants, as funds permit.
Applications should be submitted to Professor Jingguang Chen (NACS Director-at-Large, and coordinator of this grant program) no later than May 15, 2016 in electronic form ( This application should be no longer than one page and include your qualifications in the context of items 1–3 listed above.
This one-page application should clearly state:
- Your position, including years in present position and activity in catalysis research since 2011 (numbers of publications and patents in the catalysis area). Please indicate if your academic research group is currently funded by DOE-BES or NSF
- Your accepted presentation in the 16th ICC (title, session, and oral or poster venue. Include acceptance letter as a second page).
- Sessions that you are chairing (include invitation to chair as a second page).
- Any other data that the selection panel should consider. The selection committee will be proactive in encouraging diversity in support of attendees to the 16th ICC meeting.
The panel decision will be communicated to all applicants no later than May 25, 2016 via email. Original receipts will be required for reimbursement and travel must be booked via U.S. carriers.