The Robert Burwell Lectureship in Catalysis
Deadline for nominations is 24-January-2025

Robert L. Burwell, Jr.
The award is given in recognition of substantial contributions to one or more areas in the field of catalysis with emphasis on discovery and understanding of catalytic phenomena, catalytic reaction mechanisms, and identification and description of catalytic sites and species. The awardee will be selected on the basis of their contributions to the catalytic literature and the current timeliness of these contributions. The recipient may be invited to (1) visit and present a lecture to each of the affiliated clubs/societies with which mutually satisfactory arrangements can be made and (2) prepare a review paper or papers for publication covering these lectures. Publication would be in one or more appropriate peer-reviewed periodicals.
Selection of the award winner will be made by a committee of renowned scientists, engineers, and technologists appointed by the President of NACS. Valuing equity, diversity, and inclusiveness, NACS is strongly committed to recognizing exceptional individuals via a welcoming nomination and evaluation process. NACS encourages nominations of qualified individuals of all origins, races, religions, genders, and gender identities. NACS recognizes the intellectual and geographical diversity of the catalysis field. In recognition of the core mission of NACS to advance, support, and encourage the North American catalysis community, work with a strong connection to North America will be emphasized. Posthumous awards will be made only when knowledge of the awardee’s death is received after announcement of the selection jury’s decision. Posthumous awards will be made only when knowledge of the awardee’s death is received after announcement of the selection jury’s decision.
The nominating materials should describe clearly, specifically, and concisely the nominee’s qualifications and accomplishments in the context of the specific award. These materials should include the following documents (submitted as a single PDF file and not exceeding the indicated length): (i) a nominating letter (1000 words); (ii) two supporting letters (800 words each); (iii) a narrative biographical note (500 words); and (iv) a curriculum vitae of the nominee, including relevant positions and recognitions and a list of publications and patents. The nomination and supporting letters should be specific to the year and to the name of the award. Nomination packages for the award must be received by 24-January-2025 in one complete package. All nomination packages for the Burwell Lectureship Award should be sent electronically to Jingguang Chen, President, North American Catalysis Society at Receipt of any nomination will be confirmed by an email message sent to any nominator.
Previous Award Winners
- 1983 Robert L. Burwell
- 1985 Wolfgang M. H. Sachtler
- 1987 John B. Peri
- 1989 Jack H. Lunsford
- 1991 Kamil Klier
- 1993 Werner O. Haag
- 1995 Gary Haller
- 1997 Wayne Goodman
- 1999 Harold Kung
- 2001 Tobin Marks
- 2003 Alexis T. Bell
- 2005 Enrique Iglesia
- 2007 James Dumesic
- 2009 Bruce Gates
- 2011 Johannes A. Lercher
- 2013 Charles Campbell
- 2015 Matt Neurock
- 2017 Jingguang Chen
- 2019 Abhaya Datye
- 2021 Manos Mavrikakis
- 2023 Umit Ozkan