Local Club Student Awards

Each local club can apply for the new annu­al stu­dent sup­port awards for a max­i­mum of $1,500 per year. The amount can only be used for stu­dents (both grad­u­ate & post­doc­tor­al). A time­ly pro­pos­al from the local club must be sub­mit­ted before the event to the Pres­i­dent which out­lines the pro­ject­ed use of the monies; a full account­ing of the monies has to be pro­vid­ed by the local club (in good stand­ing) to the Trea­sur­er short­ly after the event, but with­in one year. This award is dis­tinct from the Kokes Awards for the NAM meet­ings. The mon­ey can be used for the student’s meals, trav­el, liv­ing, and for poster awards. The award will be made avail­able 1–2 months before the spon­sored event. Local clubs need to allow one addi­tion­al month for prepa­ra­tion of the check; the funds are not intend­ed as a means to gen­er­ate advanced income (via inter­est), but are intend­ed to sup­port stu­dent involve­ment at the spon­sored event by the local catal­y­sis club. Address pro­pos­als to the Pres­i­dent at jgchen@columbia.edu.