The F.G. Ciapetta Lectureship in Catalysis is sponsored by the Davison Chemical Division of W.R. Grace & Company and The North American Catalysis Society. The Society administers this Lectureship. It is to be awarded biennially in even numbered years. The Award consists of a plaque and an honorarium of $5,000. Travel expenses are provided through a travel escrow fund, administered by the NACS, to be used on a “as needed basis” for the recipients from academia or industrial companies (with $100 Million annual sales; up to $3,000. for employees of larger companies). The Award is given in recognition of substantial contributions to one or more areas in the field of catalysis with emphasis on industrially significant catalysts and catalytic processes and the discovery of new catalytic reactions and systems of potential industrial importance. The awardee will be selected on the basis of his/her contributions to the catalytic literature and the current timeliness of these research contributions. The recipient may be invited to visit and lecture to each of the affiliated Clubs/Societies with which mutually satisfactory arrangements can be made. Selection of the awardee will be made without regard to age, sex, nationality, or affiliation. The nomination should contain a critical evaluation of the significance of candidate’s qualifications should be made as well as a statement of the particular contribution(s) on which the nomination is based. Nomination documents (nomination letter, CV, justification, and no more than 2 seconding letters) in one complete package should be submitted electronically to the President of the Society. Nominations for the 2008 Ciapetta Award will close on November 1, 2007.All nomination packages for the Ciapetta Award should be should be sent to John Armor, President, North American Catalysis Society; at . Receipt of any nomination, will be confirmed by an email message sent to each nominator.