Nominations for Herman Pines Award

The Catal­y­sis Club of Chica­go is solic­it­ing nom­i­na­tions for the Her­man Pines Award for out­stand­ing research in the field of catal­y­sis. Her­man Pines was an out­stand­ing research sci­en­tist, and his work rev­o­lu­tion­ized the gen­er­al under­stand­ing of organ­ic chem­istry, par­tic­u­lar­ly the chem­istry of hydro­car­bons inter­act­ing with strong acids.

The award in his hon­or is spon­sored by UOP where Her­man began his indus­tri­al career in 1930 and amassed 145 US patents over a 23 year peri­od. The award is being co-spon­sored by the Catal­y­sis Club of Chica­go of which Pro­fes­sor Pines was a found­ing mem­ber. The award will be pre­sent­ed annu­al­ly at the Spring Sym­po­sium of the Catal­y­sis Club of Chica­go. The recip­i­ent will receive a cash award of $1,000 and reim­burse­ment for trav­el and lodg­ing as a ple­nary speak­er at the Spring Sym­po­sium.

Past Herman Pines Award winners

  • 1999 Pro­fes­sor Harold Kung (North­west­ern Uni­ver­si­ty)
  • 2000 Dr. John Mon­nier (East­man Chem­i­cal Com­pa­ny)
  • 2001 Pro­fes­sor Lan­ny Schmidt (Uni­ver­si­ty of Min­neso­ta)

A com­mit­tee appoint­ed by the Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee of the Catal­y­sis Club of Chica­go will choose the recip­i­ent based on the fol­low­ing cri­te­ria:

  • Impor­tance of catal­y­sis research com­plet­ed in the past five years.
  • Alter­na­tion of the award between indus­tri­al and academic/national lab­o­ra­to­ry researchers.
  • Recip­i­ent must be a res­i­dent of North Amer­i­ca.

For the award to be giv­en in 2002, nom­i­na­tions for AN INDUSTRIAL RESEARCHER are sought by Decem­ber 31, 2001. Nom­i­na­tions should describe the spe­cif­ic work for which the nom­i­nee should be rec­og­nized. Please send your nom­i­na­tion either through Inter­net Nom­i­na­tion Form or direct­ly via reg­u­lar mail by the dead­line to:
Dr. Paul T. Barg­er
Pres­i­dent of the Chica­go Catal­y­sis Club
UOP Research Cen­ter
50 East Algo­nquin Road
Des Plaines, IL 60017–5016 (E‑mail)
(847) 391‑3729 (Phone)
(847) 391‑3724 (Fax)
The recip­i­ent will be noti­fied in Feb­ru­ary of 2002, and the award address will take place at the Spring Sym­po­sium in May of 2002.