Professor Stephanopoulos was chosen for distinguished contributions to the field of catalysis, particularly new insights into the activity of atomic-scale metals as catalysts for fuel conversion processes and “green” production of chemicals.
The Michigan Catalysis Society has two awards to recognize individuals who have made outstanding contributions to catalysis research and development. Both awards are sponsored by the Memorial Trust Fund for Professor Giuseppe Parravano, which has been established at the Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Michigan. The Michigan Catalysis Society administers both awards which are presented in alternating years. Both awards consist of a medal and a prize of $1,000. The two awards differ only in the eligibility rules. The recipient of the award is selected by a committee that is appointed by the officers of the Michigan Catalysis Society.
- The Michigan Catalysis Society Guiseppe Parravano Memorial Award for Excellence in Catalysis Research
- The award is given biennially in odd numbered years to an individual from North America to formally recognize outstanding contributions to catalytic science and technology.
- The Michigan Catalysis Society Parravano Award for Excellence in Catalysis Research and Development
- The award is given biennially in even numbered years to formally recognize outstanding contributions to catalytic science and technology by researchers in the greater Michigan area. To be eligible, a person must be a resident of Michigan or a neighboring area such as western Ontario/northern Ohio and be nominated by a member of the Michigan Catalysis Society.