Make your airline and hotel reservations quickly for Cancun

The on-line reg­is­tra­tion is now avail­able for the Can­cun meet­ing.

The full tech­ni­cal pro­gram can be read on the Can­cun NAM web­site- click on any ses­sion num­ber in the table of week-long sym­posia.

Note there are two reg­is­tra­tion entries to fill in: the hotel and the meet­ing. You will need a cred­it card for both, although the hotel charge will not be made to your cred­it card unless you don’t can­cel in time.

Reg­is­ter on-line at

Can­cun is a pop­u­lar vaca­tion resort, so you should make your air­line reser­va­tions ear­ly in order to get the low­est fares. Flights on Amer­i­can car­ri­ers are sold on the basis of seat avail­abil­i­ty. As the plane fills up, the seats get more and more expen­sive. [My seat, pur­chased last month was ~$600. from Philadel­phia, a month lat­er it is now twice that.] Shop around and be flex­i­ble on dates in order to get the best air­fare.

From the East Coast of the USA there are non-stops on US Air­ways (from PHL), on Con­ti­nen­tal (from Newark), and on Unit­ed (from Mia­mi). Amer­i­can Air­lines and North­west also fly into Can­cun. Many trav­el agen­cies run group flights and some­times these can be quite cheap.