Final message from your former president

I strong­ly believe that orga­ni­za­tions ben­e­fit from change of lead­er­ship; new blood can inject new ideas and vital­i­ty into an orga­ni­za­tion; I think now is a good time for me to step aside. At the San Fran­cis­co Board meet­ing, I made it clear to the Board that I did not wish to con­tin­ue for anoth­er four years as an offi­cer. I have served as your Pres­i­dent for 8 years and as Trea­sur­er for 7 years; two very demand­ing, vol­un­teer roles. Dur­ing this 15 year peri­od, I have enjoyed rep­re­sent­ing and lead­ing the Soci­ety, and I thank you all for that priv­i­lege.

I have tried to ensure that anoth­er strong suite of offi­cers replaces those who also chose to step aside at the recent round of elec­tions. At the same time I wish to thank those offi­cers who worked tire­less­ly with me over these many years to improve our orga­ni­za­tion. The North Amer­i­can Catal­y­sis Soci­ety is a strong and sound pro­fes­sion­al soci­ety that has worked hard to enhance the edu­ca­tion­al activ­i­ties which it seeks to pro­vide the mem­bers.

I also wish to thank not only the offi­cers, but the many club rep­re­sen­ta­tives who worked with me and the Board to insti­tute many pos­i­tive changes to our Soci­ety. We are much stronger as a pro­fes­sion­al orga­ni­za­tion and finan­cial­ly very sound; we have a pop­u­lar web­site which has gen­er­at­ed over 150,000 hits over the past 8 years. In this time, we’ve grown the num­ber of par­tic­i­pat­ing clubs, up-dat­ed the Bylaws, enhanced our nation­al awards, strength­ened a large trust to pur­sue the edu­ca­tion­al needs of the mem­ber­ship (Kei­th Hall Edu­ca­tion­al Fund), sub­stan­tial­ly increased the dol­lar val­ue and num­ber of stu­dent awards, gen­er­at­ed a lot of doc­u­men­ta­tion on the his­to­ry and impor­tance of catal­y­sis (post­ed on our web­site), and ini­ti­at­ed many oth­er pos­i­tive steps in grow­ing our Soci­ety.

I take great pride and thank you for the hon­or in serv­ing as your past Pres­i­dent, and I look for­ward to under­tak­ing new tasks to advance cat­alyt­ic sci­ence in North Amer­i­can and glob­al­ly.
John Armor
June 30, 2009