Director-at-Large Elections

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The elec­tion for Direc­tors-at-Large is sched­uled to start on March 8th, 2017 at 21:01 AM. The NACS will be using online bal­lot­ing as the only way to cast your vote. We have con­tract­ed with a firm that is expe­ri­enced in on-line vot­ing to ensure the accu­ra­cy and con­fi­den­tial­i­ty of the process.

You will be receiv­ing two email mes­sages before the start of the elec­tion with the sub­ject head­line “NACS ELECTIONS FOR DIRECTORS-at-LARGE”.

A large num­ber of email providers block emails with any kind of link as a secu­ri­ty mea­sure. For this rea­son the email will be for­ward­ed twice. The first ver­sion con­tains your user­name, unique pass­word and a link to a restrict­ed vot­ing web­page. The sec­ond ver­sion con­tains your user­name and unique pass­word with instruc­tions to vis­it this Home page to link to the URL pro­vid­ing access to the restrict­ed vot­ing web­site. Please don’t delete this email until you cast your vote. If you have a prob­lem receiv­ing this email, then you need to con­tact Edrick Morales at

The vot­ing site’s log in page will have instruc­tions on how to cast your elec­tron­ic bal­lot with links to tech­ni­cal assis­tance in case you have dif­fi­cul­ty log­ging into the site.

You can cast your vote start­ing on March 8th. The vot­ing web­page will be held open for three weeks to those mem­bers of NACS (includ­ing stu­dents) who reside with­in North Amer­i­ca. Back­ground infor­ma­tion for each can­di­date will be avail­able on the bal­lot site with a hyper­link asso­ci­at­ed to each candidate’s name. On the bal­lot web­site, you will be select­ing only six (6) or less mem­bers from the 13 can­di­dates for the office of Direc­tor-at-Large. The top six can­di­dates will be elect­ed to office.

Vot­ers will need to log back in and com­plete the bal­lot from scratch if they log out or close the brows­er win­dow with­out sub­mit­ting their bal­lot. Your pass­word will be deac­ti­vat­ed after you record your vote.

Click on the image above to down­load the can­di­date biogra­phies.

The online bal­lot­ing web­site will close on March 28th at 11:59 PM.