NACS Membership and Dues

Any per­son from North Amer­i­ca hav­ing inter­ests in sup­port­ing, pro­mot­ing or encour­ag­ing the growth and devel­op­ment of the sci­ence of catal­y­sis (as described in the open­ing para­graph of the By Laws), shall be eli­gi­ble for Full Membership.

There are two ways for becom­ing a North Amer­i­can Catal­y­sis Soci­ety (NACS) mem­ber:

  • Join the local catal­y­sis club near you and pay your mem­ber­ship fee to the local club, which auto­mat­i­cal­ly makes you a mem­ber of the NACS.
  • If you are not close enough to any local club or if it is not con­ve­nient for you to attend the local club meet­ings, you can choose to become a “Mem­ber-at-Large” of the NACS.

Per­sons from out­side North Amer­i­ca may indi­cate their inter­ests in join­ing the NACS as Asso­ciate Mem­bers. Asso­ciate Mem­bers do not pay dues and they are not eli­gi­ble to vote on elec­tions and oth­er mat­ters per­tain­ing to the NACS. Please note that the asso­ciate mem­ber­ship is for one year. At the end of the year, if you choose to remain as an asso­ciate mem­ber, you need to renew your mem­ber­ship. Please con­tact the Trea­sur­er at the address below for request­ing or renew­ing you mem­ber­ship as Asso­ciate Member.

If you want to become a Mem­ber-at-Large, send a check for the mem­ber­ship fee direct­ly to the NACS Trea­sur­er, Bea­ta Kilos. The cur­rent annu­al mem­ber­ship dues are: US$20 for reg­u­lar mem­bers, US$5 for stu­dents and retirees. A “retiree” is defined as one who has stopped full-time pro­fes­sion­al activ­i­ties. The local clubs should make out the checks for the col­lect­ed mem­ber­ship dues to “North Amer­i­can Catal­y­sis Soci­ety” and sent it to the Trea­sur­er at the fol­low­ing address:
Bea­ta Kilos
NACS Treasurer
The Dow Chem­i­cal Company
CORE R&D, Chem­i­cal Science
1776 Build­ing, Office B16‑A
Mid­land, MI 48674