Announcement of the Tanabe Prize

The Acid Base Catal­y­sis Group here­by invites nom­i­na­tions for the Kozo Tan­abe Prize. The Kozo Tan­abe Prize for Acid Base Catal­y­sis is spon­sored by the Inter­na­tion­al Acid-Base Catal­y­sis (ABC) Group* and a select­ed pri­vate com­pa­ny. It hon­ors the lega­cy and accom­plish­ments of Pro­fes­sor Kozo Tan­abe, who pio­neered many of the mod­ern con­cepts in Cat­alyt­ic Chem­istry of acids and bases. The prize is admin­is­tered by the ABC Group* and will be pre­sent­ed at the 8th Inter­na­tion­al Sym­po­sium on Acid-Base Catal­y­sis (ABC‑8), to be held in May 2017 in Rio, Brazil. The award con­sists of a plaque, an hon­o­rar­i­um, and trav­el expens­es to attend the meet­ing and present a ple­nary lec­ture. The Tan­abe Prize rec­og­nizes sub­stan­tial con­tri­bu­tions to the field of acid and/or base catal­y­sis. It may be pre­sent­ed to an indi­vid­ual of any stage of her/his career for sig­nif­i­cant con­tri­bu­tions to the area with­in the ten years pre­ced­ing the date of the award. Self nom­i­na­tions are not accept­ed. The nom­i­na­tion pack­age must include the nom­i­na­tion sheet, a list of pub­li­ca­tions and patents (2007–2017), a list of ple­nary and keynote lec­tures, a cur­ricu­lum vitae and two let­ters of rec­om­men­da­tion. The nom­i­na­tion pack­ages should be sent via email as a sin­gle PDF file titled “Name of Nom­i­nee Tan­abe Prize Nom­i­na­tion 2017” no lat­er than March 17, 2017 to the Tan­abe Prize com­mit­tee**. (Coor­di­na­tor: David Jack­son, Uni­ver­si­ty of Glas­gow, Unit­ed King­dom, Email:

(Down­load nom­i­na­tion form »)

ABC group
Asia, Aus­tralia, New Zealand:
Pro­fes­sor PARK Sang-Eun, Inha Univ, Korea
Pro­fes­sor HARA Michikazu, Tokyo Inst. Tech., Japan
Pro­fes­sor TATSUMI Takashi, Tokyo Inst. Tech., Japan
Pro­fes­sor EBITANI Koh­ki, Japan Advanced Inst. Sci. & Tech., Japan
**Pro­fes­sor KATADA Naonobu, Tot­tori Univ. Japan
Pro­fes­sor LIU Zhong­min, Dalian Inst. Chem. Phys.,

Pro­fes­sor MOTA de ARAUJO Claudio,Univ.Fed. Rio, Br
Dr. SOLED Stu­art, Exxon­Mo­bil, Allen­dale, USA
**Dr. ABREVAYA Hay­im, UOP, DesPlaines & North­west­ern Univ., USA
Pro­fes­sor GATES Bruce, Univ. Cal­i­for­nia at Davis, USA
Pro­fes­sor NEUROCK Matt, Univ. Vir­ginia, USA

Dr. ESSAYEM Nadine, Univ. Lyon-CNRS, France
Pro­fes­sor IVANOVA, State Univ. Mosk­va, Russia
**Pro­fes­sor JACKSON David, Univ. Glas­gow, Unit­ed Kingdom
Pro­fes­sor OLSBYE Unni, Univ. Oslo, Norway
Pro­fes­sor BODIGA Sil­via, Univ. Turin, Italy
Pro­fes­sor HENSEN Emil, TU Eind­hoven, The Netherlands
Dr. JANSSENS Ton, Hal­dor Top­søe, Norway
Pro­fes­sor KOZHENIKOV Ivan, Univ.Liverpool, Unit­ed Kingdom
Dr. MARTINEZ Cristi­na, ITQ Valen­cia, Spain
Pro­fes­sor ONIDA Bar­bara, Politec­ni­co di Tori­no, Italy
Pro­fes­sor WECKHUYSEN, Bert, Univ. Utrecht, The Netherlands