Changes proposed to NACS Bylaws

The Board of Direc­tors of the North Amer­i­can Catal­y­sis Soci­ety has dis­cussed, edit­ed, and accept­ed the pro­posed changes to the bylaws. Our bylaws also require that any changes to them be vot­ed on by the mem­ber­ship of the NACS, which we shall do at the begin­ning of the Can­cun meet­ing. These changes are main­ly pro­posed to reflect mod­est changes in the oper­a­tions of the NACS since the last bylaws were adopt­ed (1995). The Board of Direc­tors is respon­si­ble for the man­age­ment of the NACS and the Pres­i­dent of the NACS is the CEO of the NACS. Pro­vi­sions exist for mak­ing pro­ce­dur­al changes to the way the NACS oper­ates, but these often don’t get added to the bylaws; this new set of bylaws reflects the way the Soci­ety is cur­rent­ly oper­at­ing. The entire set of bylaws (10 pages with 25 Arti­cles) is post­ed on the web site for all to review; I will only dis­cuss the pro­ce­dur­al changes made to the 1995 bylaws.

  • Arti­cle II, sec­tion 6 describes the sta­tus of Asso­ciate (non-vot­ing) members.
  • Arti­cle II, sec­tion 7 and Arti­cle XI, sec­tion 3 defines the legal and tax sta­tus of the NACS and its clubs.
  • Arti­cle VII, describes finan­cial bond­ing of the offi­cers and the trustees
  • Arti­cle VIII, sec­tion 1 extends the num­ber of vot­ing mem­bers of the Board of Direc­tors, while Arti­cle XV, sec­tions 2 and 3 define vot­ing pro­ce­dures at the Board meetings.
  • Arti­cle XIII, sec­tion 1 and Arti­cle XVII, sec­tion 1 describe the appoint­ment of a Nom­i­nat­ing Com­mit­tee for elec­tion of offi­cers. Sec­tion 5 elab­o­rates the line of ascen­sion in the event the Pres­i­dent can no longer serve. 
  • Arti­cle XVII, sec­tions 3 and 4 describes the com­po­si­tion and oper­a­tion of the Exec­u­tive Committee.
  • Arti­cle XVII, sec­tion 5 and Arti­cle XXII describes the com­po­si­tion and selec­tion of the Awards Committee.
  • Arti­cle XXIII describes the Kei­th Hall Edu­ca­tion­al Fund.
  • Arti­cles XXIV and XXV are added at the sug­ges­tion of our attor­ney to meet laws of incorporation.

Pre­pared by John Armor, Pres­i­dent
Orig­i­nal­ly post­ed on 3/18/2003
At the Board of Direc­tor’s meet­ing in Can­cun on June 1, 2003, the Board of Direc­tors approved one addi­tion­al change in word­ing to Arti­cle XVII, sec­tion 4, so it now reads: The Pres­i­dent may call a meet­ing of the Exec­u­tive Com­mit­tee to seek its advice.
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