Bylaws of the NACS, June 2003

The mem­bers in atten­dance on pri­or to the begin­ning of the first ple­nary lec­ture of the Nation­al meet­ing in Can­cun were asked to vote on the minor changes pro­posed to the exist­ing bylaws of the NACS. A sum­ma­ry of these changes and the new bylaws have been post­ed on the web site since last April. The Pres­i­dent sum­ma­rized the changes, which were most­ly pro­ce­dur­al and reflect­ed minor changes in the way the Soci­ety has been oper­at­ing since the last revi­sions in 1995. The mem­bers over­whelm­ing­ly approved the changes by both a voice vote and a print­ed ballot.
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