Manos Mavrikakis is the recipient of the 2021 Robert Burwell Lectureship in Catalysis

I am pleased to announce that Pro­fes­sor Manos Mavrikakis of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Wis­con­sin is the recip­i­ent of the 2021 Robert Bur­well Lec­ture­ship in Catal­y­sis, spon­sored by John­son Matthey and admin­is­tered by the North Amer­i­can Catal­y­sis Soci­ety. It is award­ed bien­ni­al­ly in odd-num­bered years. The award con­sists of a plaque and an hon­o­rar­i­um of $5,000, which will be pre­sent­ed at the award ban­quet at the NAM27 meet­ing. An addi­tion­al $4,500 is avail­able to cov­er trav­el­ling expens­es in North Amer­i­ca. The awardee is expect­ed to lec­ture at many of the local catal­y­sis clubs.

The Robert Bur­well Lec­ture­ship in Catal­y­sis is giv­en in recog­ni­tion of sub­stan­tial con­tri­bu­tions to one or more areas in the field of catal­y­sis with empha­sis on dis­cov­ery and under­stand­ing of cat­alyt­ic phe­nom­e­na, cat­alyt­ic reac­tion mech­a­nisms and iden­ti­fi­ca­tion and descrip­tion of cat­alyt­ic sites and species. The awardee is select­ed on the basis of his/her con­tri­bu­tions to the cat­alyt­ic lit­er­a­ture and the cur­rent time­li­ness of these research con­tri­bu­tions. The recip­i­ent may be invit­ed to (1) vis­it and lec­ture to each of the affil­i­at­ed Clubs/Societies with which mutu­al­ly sat­is­fac­to­ry arrange­ments can be made and (2) pre­pare a review paper(s) for pub­li­ca­tion cov­er­ing these lec­tures. Pub­li­ca­tion will be in an appro­pri­ate periodical. 

Pro­fes­sor Mavrikakis has elu­ci­dat­ed the mol­e­c­u­lar lev­el mech­a­nisms of impor­tant het­ero­ge­neous­ly cat­alyzed and elec­tro­cat­alyt­ic chem­i­cal reac­tions. Through a com­bi­na­tion of quan­tum mechan­i­cal cal­cu­la­tions with micro­ki­net­ic mod­el­ing and reac­tion kinet­ics exper­i­ments, his group has elu­ci­dat­ed nov­el reac­tion mech­a­nisms, includ­ing new key inter­me­di­ates, among oth­ers, for the water-gas-shift reac­tion and methanol syn­the­sis over indus­tri­al­ly rel­e­vant cop­per-based cat­a­lysts. Fur­ther, Mavrikakis has devel­oped a rig­or­ous iter­a­tive approach for elu­ci­dat­ing the nature of the active sites for a cat­alyt­ic reac­tion, while the reac­tion is tak­ing place. In par­tic­u­lar, through the com­bi­na­tion of approach­es men­tioned above, his group devel­oped an approach capa­ble of deriv­ing infor­ma­tion on the inter­me­di­ates and at what cov­er­ages they dec­o­rate the active sites as a func­tion of pres­sure, tem­per­a­ture, and feed com­po­si­tion. This iter­a­tive approach is unique­ly posi­tioned to pre­dict the nature of the active sites as a func­tion of reac­tion con­di­tions, a goal that remains most­ly elu­sive from the most elab­o­rate in-situ and operan­do exper­i­men­tal char­ac­ter­i­za­tion tech­niques. Mavrikakis has con­tributed exten­sive­ly to under­stand­ing and pre­dict­ing the struc­ture sen­si­tiv­i­ty of cat­alyt­ic and elec­tro­cat­alyt­ic reac­tions, and has guid­ed the inor­gan­ic syn­the­sis com­mu­ni­ty towards the syn­the­sis of improved elec­tro­cat­a­lysts for a vari­ety of reactions.
Jing­guang Chen
Pres­i­dent, North Amer­i­can Catal­y­sis Society

NAM27 Postponement Announcement

Dear Catal­y­sis Community,

Dur­ing these very uncer­tain times, we remain focused on our objec­tive to find the best way to bring our com­mu­ni­ty safe­ly togeth­er for a suc­cess­ful con­fer­ence. As we con­tin­ue to mon­i­tor the evolv­ing glob­al sit­u­a­tion, it has become clear an in-per­son con­fer­ence in May 2021 will not be pos­si­ble in the for­mat we know to be for an effec­tive meet­ing. Work­ing close­ly with our venue, we have agreed to post­pone the con­fer­ence one year to May 22–27, 2022.

We believe this path will enable us to bring the com­mu­ni­ty togeth­er once again for an in-per­son con­fer­ence allow­ing for the valu­able inter­ac­tions and dis­cus­sions we are used to. In the com­ing weeks, we will con­tin­ue to update our web­site and com­mu­ni­cate any addi­tion­al rel­e­vant details.

We wish every­one a safe and Hap­py Thanksgiving.
With regards,
The Orga­niz­ing Com­mit­tee of the 27th North Amer­i­can Catal­y­sis Soci­ety Meeting
Down­load the NAM27 announcement

Deadline extend for abstract submissions to the 27th North American Catalysis Society Meeting

Dear Catal­y­sis Community,

As our con­fer­ence plan­ning efforts car­ry on, we con­tin­ue to work very close­ly with our venue and the NACS board to ensure a suc­cess­ful and safe con­fer­ence. We ful­ly under­stand that these are uncer­tain times and the sit­u­a­tion is con­stant­ly evolv­ing. We have been and will be con­tin­u­al­ly work­ing close­ly with all stake­hold­ers to mon­i­tor changes and pro­vide time­ly infor­ma­tion. We have decid­ed to extend the dead­line for abstract sub­mis­sions to Novem­ber 30th. 

As always, we will con­tin­ue to update the con­fer­ence web­site and will com­mu­ni­cate with the com­mu­ni­ty as more con­fer­ence details become known. Abstract sub­mis­sions can be man­aged at the tech­ni­cal pro­gram sec­tion of our website.
With regards,
The Orga­niz­ing Com­mit­tee of the 27th North Amer­i­can Catal­y­sis Soci­ety Meeting
Down­load announcement

Announcement of 2021–2022 Emmett Award Winners

I am pleased to announce the win­ners of the 2021–2022 the Paul H. Emmett Award in Fun­da­men­tal Catal­y­sis. This award rec­og­nizes and encour­ages indi­vid­ual con­tri­bu­tions in the field of catal­y­sis with empha­sis on dis­cov­ery and under­stand­ing of cat­alyt­ic phe­nom­e­na, pro­pos­al of cat­alyt­ic reac­tion mech­a­nisms and iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of and descrip­tion of cat­alyt­ic sites and species. The award win­ner must not have turned 46 on April 1st of the award year. The award con­sists of a plaque and an hon­o­rar­i­um of $5,000. The Paul H. Emmett Award in Fun­da­men­tal Catal­y­sis is spon­sored by the W.R. Grace & Co. It is admin­is­tered by The Catal­y­sis Soci­ety. The plaque will be pre­sent­ed dur­ing the clos­ing ban­quet cer­e­monies at the next North Amer­i­can Meet­ing of the Catal­y­sis Soci­ety (NAM27 in New York City). The awardees will also present a Ple­nary Lec­ture at the NAM meeting. 

The NACS Board has recent­ly approved to hon­or up to two Emmett awardees every two years. The two awardees for the 2021–2022 cycle are (list­ed alphabetically):

2021 Win­ner: Pro­fes­sor Thomas Jaramil­lo of Stan­ford University

2022 Win­ner: Pro­fes­sor Beat­riz Roldan Cuenya of the Fritz Haber Institute 

Pro­fes­sor Jaramil­lo is rec­og­nized for his efforts in the design and devel­op­ment of cat­a­lysts for sus­tain­able chem­i­cal process­es. Jaramillo’s research has deep­ened our under­stand­ing of cat­alyt­ic mech­a­nisms and inter­fa­cial phe­nom­e­na, lead­ing to cat­a­lyst sys­tems with improved prop­er­ties, and serv­ing as a foun­da­tion for the devel­op­ment of new tech­nolo­gies. This includes, for instance, process­es that employ renew­able ener­gy for the sus­tain­able pro­duc­tion of fuels and chem­i­cals. In this respect, Jaramil­lo has syn­the­sized and inves­ti­gat­ed advanced cat­a­lyst sys­tems for hydro­gen (H2) pro­duc­tion by water elec­trol­y­sis and by solar pho­to­elec­tro­chem­istry, as well as for the elec­tro­chem­i­cal con­ver­sion of CO2 to pro­duce valu­able car­bon-based prod­ucts, e.g. acetalde­hyde and ethanol, among oth­er process­es. Much of Jaramillo’s work has focused on devel­op­ing cat­a­lysts from earth-abun­dant ele­ments, either min­i­miz­ing or avoid­ing the use of pre­cious met­als. A key aspect of his research has involved method devel­op­ment, includ­ing cat­a­lyst bench­mark­ing efforts, new reac­tor designs, cou­pling ana­lyt­i­cal chem­istry tech­niques for the iden­ti­fi­ca­tion and quan­tifi­ca­tion of reac­tion prod­ucts, and operan­do meth­ods to study cat­a­lysts under true oper­at­ing con­di­tions. Jaramillo’s research has advanced cat­a­lyst devel­op­ment efforts for cost-effec­tive, clean ener­gy tech­nolo­gies, engi­neer­ing cat­a­lyst mate­ri­als at the nano- and atom­ic-scale to achieve active sites with desired properties.

Pro­fes­sor Roldan has made excep­tion­al con­tri­bu­tions to the mech­a­nis­tic under­stand­ing of ther­mal and elec­tro-cat­alyt­ic reac­tions based on the use of well-defined nanos­truc­tured mate­ri­als com­bined with advanced in situ and operan­do micro­scop­ic and spec­tro­scop­ic char­ac­ter­i­za­tion. Her chal­leng­ing exper­i­men­tal cat­alyt­ic research has great­ly advanced our fun­da­men­tal knowl­edge of how geo­met­ric and elec­tron­ic prop­er­ties influ­ence the cat­alyt­ic per­for­mance. In par­tic­u­lar, she has pro­vid­ed insight into re-uti­liza­tion of CO2 through its ther­mal or elec­tro­chem­i­cal con­ver­sions to high­er val­ue chem­i­cals and fuels such as methanol, eth­yl­ene, or ethanol. A high­light of her research pro­gram are stud­ies fea­tur­ing the dynam­ic nature of nanocat­a­lysts under reac­tion con­di­tions using syn­chro­tron-based operan­do spec­troscopy and dif­frac­tion meth­ods com­bined with envi­ron­men­tal trans­mis­sion elec­tron microscopy. She has pio­neered the com­bi­na­tion of col­loidal chem­istry approach­es and elec­tro­chem­i­cal syn­the­sis for the prepa­ra­tion of mod­el cat­alyt­i­cal­ly active mate­ri­als, and their chem­i­cal func­tion­al­iza­tion and restruc­tur­ing using plas­ma treat­ments. Over­all, her work has served to bridge the gap between sur­face sci­ence and “real” catal­y­sis by cre­at­ing scal­able ex situ syn­the­sis approach­es lead­ing to monodis­persed nano­ma­te­ri­als and expos­ing them to in depth physi­co-chem­i­cal char­ac­ter­i­za­tion under real­is­tic reac­tion con­di­tions. Her research will help to guide the ratio­nal design of the next gen­er­a­tion of cat­a­lysts based on atom­istic understanding.

Con­grat­u­la­tions to Pro­fes­sor Jaramil­lo and Pro­fes­sor Roldan!

Jing­guang Chen
Pres­i­dent, North Amer­i­can catal­y­sis Society

Deng-Yang Jan of Honeywell UOP is the recipient of the 2021 Eugene J. Houdry Award in Applied Catalysis

I am pleased to announce that Dr. Deng-Yang (DY) Jan of the Hon­ey­well UOP is the recip­i­ent of the 2021 Eugene J. Houdry Award in Applied Catal­y­sis. This award is spon­sored by Clari­ant and is admin­is­tered by the North Amer­i­can Catal­y­sis Soci­ety. The award con­sists of a plaque and a prize of $5,000. The plaque will be pre­sent­ed dur­ing the clos­ing ban­quet cer­e­monies at the 2021 North Amer­i­can Meet­ing of the Catal­y­sis Soci­ety (NAM27 in New York City). 

The pur­pose of the Eugene J. Houdry Award is to rec­og­nize and encour­age indi­vid­ual con­tri­bu­tions in the field of catal­y­sis with empha­sis on the devel­op­ment of new and improved cat­a­lysts and process­es rep­re­sent­ing out­stand­ing advances in their use­ful applications. 

Dr. Jan’s tech­ni­cal focus is devel­op­ing plat­form knowl­edge and intro­duc­ing enabling con­cepts to devel­op future gen­er­a­tion prod­ucts and process­es in Aro­mat­ics & Deriv­a­tives, and Olefins & Deter­gents. Since 2000, Dr. Jan and Team UOP have been focus­ing on zeolitic catal­y­sis by apply­ing UOP Zeolitic Mate­r­i­al plat­form to the tech­nol­o­gy port­fo­lio includ­ing aro­mat­ics alky­la­tion, iso­mer­iza­tion, trans-alky­la­tion, new routes for pro­duc­ing para-xylene, eth­yl­ben­zene, cumene, lin­ear alkyl­ben­zene and motor fuel. DY achieve­ments include com­mer­cial­ize high­ly selec­tive cumene alky­la­tion (UOP Q‑Max) with low cap­i­tal and oper­at­ing costs, lin­ear alkyl­ben­zene (UOP Detal for biodegrad­able deter­gent) at low util­i­ty cost enabling replace HF alky­la­tion, Aro­mat­ics Iso­mer­iza­tion (UOP Iso­mar), Aro­mat­ics Trans-Alky­la­tion (UOP Tatoray) enabling flex­i­ble process of feed­stock of vary­ing compositions.

Dr. Jan received B.S. in Chem­istry from Nation­al Cheng-Kung Uni­ver­si­ty, M.S. in Inor­gan­ic Chem­istry in Nation­al Tsinghua Uni­ver­si­ty (Tai­wan) and a Ph.D. in Chem­istry from The Ohio State Uni­ver­si­ty in 1985. He has over 100 issued US patents and 30 peer review jour­nal pub­li­ca­tions. Dr. Jan has been rec­og­nized with sev­er­al awards, includ­ing the the 2007 Hon­ey­well Fun­da­men­tal Tech­nol­o­gy Devel­op­ment Award, the 2016 Her­man Pines Award for his con­tri­bu­tion to com­mer­cial­iz­ing EB/Cumene and Deter­gent, and the 2017 Hon­ey­well Dis­tin­guished Tech­nol­o­gy Award giv­en for out­stand­ing tech­ni­cal con­tri­bu­tions over the course of a career.

Jing­guang Chen
Pres­i­dent, North Amer­i­can Catal­y­sis Society

27th North American Catalysis Meeting — Abstracts submission deadline is November 9, 2020

Dear Catal­y­sis Community,

It has been a chal­leng­ing time for all of us over the past six months as the glob­al com­mu­ni­ty has dealt with this health cri­sis and forced our com­mu­ni­ty to adapt to a new nor­mal. COVID-19 has cer­tain­ly cre­at­ed new chal­lenges for sci­en­tif­ic meet­ings and NAM27 will not be an excep­tion. We have spent the last sev­er­al months work­ing to plan NAM27 under these new cir­cum­stances and con­tin­ue to work very close­ly with the Mid­town Hilton to ensure anoth­er suc­cess­ful NAM con­fer­ence in 2021. Around our region, pos­i­tive signs of progress are now being seen as busi­ness­es con­tin­ue to reopen, includ­ing our venue the Mid­town Hilton, that has spent the past sev­er­al months imple­ment­ing an extreme­ly com­pre­hen­sive plan to ensure the safe­ty of all guests. Giv­en this pos­i­tive progress, we are con­tin­u­ing to plan for an in-per­son con­fer­ence. We have launched the tech­ni­cal pro­gram with the call for abstracts on Fri­day, Sep­tem­ber 18th. We have been and will con­tin­ue to update the con­fer­ence web­site with per­ti­nent infor­ma­tion regard­ing the con­fer­ence. The call for abstracts sub­mis­sion dead­line is Novem­ber 9th, 2020. Please vis­it our web­site for the tech­ni­cal pro­gram and go to for abstract sub­mis­sion. While it will cer­tain­ly be a lit­tle dif­fer­ent, we look for­ward to pro­vid­ing one of the first oppor­tu­ni­ties to bring our com­mu­ni­ty back togeth­er in per­son next May.
With regards,
Mar­co Castal­di, Israel Wachs, Lucas Dorazio
Meet­ing Chairs
On behalf of the Orga­niz­ing Com­mit­tee of the 27th North Amer­i­can Catal­y­sis Soci­ety Meeting

Announcement of 2021 NACS Award for Distinguished Service in the Advancement of Catalysis

I am pleased to announce that Pro­fes­sor Enrique Igle­sia of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia at Berke­ley and Pacif­ic North­west Nation­al Lab­o­ra­to­ry is the recip­i­ent of the 2021 NACS Award for Dis­tin­guished Ser­vice in the Advance­ment of Catal­y­sis. This award is joint­ly spon­sored by Clari­ant and Exxon­Mo­bil Research and Engi­neer­ing and is admin­is­tered by the North Amer­i­can Catal­y­sis Soci­ety. The award con­sists of a plaque and a prize of $5,000. The plaque will be pre­sent­ed dur­ing the clos­ing ban­quet cer­e­monies at the 2021 North Amer­i­can Meet­ing of the Catal­y­sis Soci­ety (NAM27 in New York City). 

The NACS Award for Dis­tin­guished Ser­vice in the Advance­ment of Catal­y­sis rec­og­nizes an indi­vid­ual who advanced cat­alyt­ic chem­istry or engi­neer­ing by sig­nif­i­cant ser­vice to the catal­y­sis com­mu­ni­ty in addi­tion to tech­ni­cal accomplishments.

Ded­i­ca­tion to catal­y­sis through ser­vice and lead­er­ship has been a hall­mark through­out the pro­fes­sion­al career of Enrique Igle­sia, from his Prince­ton stu­dent days as Pres­i­dent of AIChE and Tau Beta Pi local chap­ters, to Sec­tion Head for Catal­y­sis Sci­ence at Exxon, and as the men­tor of a pro­lif­ic group at Berke­ley. Ear­ly on, he served ACS and AIChE in lead­er­ship posi­tions, in which he cham­pi­oned the coa­les­cence of catal­y­sis with­in the Catal­y­sis Sec­re­tari­at (lat­er a Divi­sion) at ACS and the Catal­y­sis and Reac­tion Engi­neer­ing Divi­sion at AIChE. He has served IACS as Pro­gram Co-Chair of the 11th ICC, as Vice-Pres­i­dent and Pres­i­dent-Elect, and as the 17th ICC Meet­ing Chair. He has served NACS as Vice Pres­i­dent and Pres­i­dent and as Meet­ing Co-Chair for its NAM21. In each role, as well as in his tenure as NAE Sec­tion 3 Chair and Search Com­mit­tee Chair, he has focused on broad­en­ing the mem­ber­ship and on encour­ag­ing, men­tor­ing, and rec­og­niz­ing the achieve­ments of young sci­en­tists and engi­neers. Per­haps his most last­ing lega­cy comes from his thir­teen-year tenure as Edi­tor-in-Chief of Jour­nal of Catal­y­sis. Any­one who inter­act­ed with him in that role, and in all oth­ers, knows his pas­sion for excel­lence in the study and prac­tice of catal­y­sis. The award cita­tion reads “For tire­less ded­i­ca­tion to the stew­ard­ship of catal­y­sis and for encour­ag­ing, men­tor­ing, and rec­og­niz­ing its practitioners”.
Jing­guang Chen
Pres­i­dent, North Amer­i­can Catal­y­sis Society

17th International Congress on Catalysis: A Letter from the ICC2020 Organizing Committee

On behalf of the ICC2020 Orga­niz­ing Com­mit­tee, I regret to inform you that we will be unable to hold this meet­ing because it would be unsafe to do so as scheduled.

The evolv­ing COVID-19 pan­dem­ic has made it increas­ing­ly evi­dent that such a large gath­er­ing would be nei­ther safe nor fea­si­ble. The deci­sion-mak­ing process was ardu­ous and rig­or­ous; we had to meet and address legal and logis­ti­cal require­ments that made it impor­tant that we defer a final deci­sion until now. At all times, the health and well-being of every­one involved remained our pre­em­i­nent con­cern. We regret that it has tak­en such a long peri­od of time to reach this deci­sion and to inform you. We trust that you under­stand that cir­cum­stances beyond our con­trol forced this delay.

Our dis­ap­point­ment is mixed with our grat­i­tude to all of you in the catal­y­sis com­mu­ni­ty for your gen­er­ous sup­port as pre­sen­ters, atten­dees, spon­sors, and exhibitors. The 2000+ abstracts sub­mit­ted rep­re­sent a com­mit­ment from all of you to the suc­cess of this meet­ing and an effort to help us suc­ceed; we are very grate­ful. Your com­mit­ment has made our own efforts grat­i­fy­ing and worth­while, even though this event can­not hap­pen as planned at this time. It would have been our priv­i­lege to serve as your hosts, with all but the last few minor details firm­ly in place to make this gath­er­ing a mem­o­rable suc­cess. Nev­er­the­less, we set aside our feel­ings of regret about this ICC meet­ing, as we turn our thoughts and con­cerns to all those who have been affect­ed so much more direct­ly and seri­ous­ly by this pandemic.

We, as an Orga­niz­ing Com­mit­tee, need some time for intro­spec­tion. Some of us need to assess our own needs, lim­i­ta­tions, and com­mit­ments to fam­i­ly and work and to decide whether to embark once again on a jour­ney that has tak­en so much time and effort. This is a jour­ney that we would have to start near­ly anew if we are to resched­ule this ICC at a lat­er date.

I speak for myself in my com­mit­ment to make this meet­ing hap­pen at a time and place that will make it safe and suc­cess­ful. The time for such dis­cus­sions and deci­sions will have to wait until we know bet­ter when a vac­cine or wide­spread immu­ni­ty will be at hand; I expect that this will require that we wait until a sim­i­lar time of the year in 2022 to hold a new ver­sion of this ICC meet­ing; this is a date that will also avoid con­flicts with the NAM and Europacat con­fer­ences. The place, the time, and whether we even try once again, most­ly from the start, to mount this effort will hinge on agree­ments and delib­er­a­tions by the spon­sor­ing orga­ni­za­tions (the Inter­na­tion­al Asso­ci­a­tion of Catal­y­sis Soci­eties and the North Amer­i­can Catal­y­sis Soci­ety). As with most oth­er mat­ters that we are fac­ing in these try­ing times, uncer­tain­ty is the rule, and only the pas­sage of time will bring less of it.

I remain com­mit­ted to orga­niz­ing this ICC meet­ing, as Chair or in any oth­er role, when the time comes to make it safe, suc­cess­ful, and mem­o­rable, to bring us togeth­er again.

There are some logis­ti­cal mat­ters that I must include along with my heart­felt com­ments above:
(i) All reg­is­tra­tion and social event fees will be refund­ed with­in the next two weeks.
(ii) Those who made hotel reser­va­tion at the Man­ches­ter Grand Hyatt should can­cel them at using your con­fir­ma­tion num­ber. Reser­va­tions made at oth­er hotels should be can­celled direct­ly with those hotels imme­di­ate­ly to avoid can­cel­la­tion fees.

We thank each one of you for your sup­port and intend­ed atten­dance and for your patience as we nav­i­gat­ed the intri­cate process that led us to this deci­sion. I only wish that we could have reached it earlier.

I am per­son­al­ly indebt­ed to all the mem­bers of the ICC2020 Orga­niz­ing Com­mit­tee ( They trust­ed me to lead, and they more than matched that trust with their ded­i­ca­tion and their sup­port. To all of them and to all of you, thanks; I trust that we will make this meet­ing hap­pen and that we will see all of you under more aus­pi­cious circumstances.
Stay safe and healthy. With regards and best wishes,
Enrique Igle­sia
Meet­ing Chair
17th Inter­na­tion­al Con­gress on Catal­y­sis (ICC2020)
ICC2020 Orga­niz­ing Committee

Cong-Yan Chen of Chevron is the recipient of the 2020 F. G. Ciapetta Lectureship in Catalysis

I am pleased to announce that Dr. Cong-Yan Chen of Chevron is the recip­i­ent of the 2020 F. G. Cia­pet­ta Lec­ture­ship in Catal­y­sis. Dr. Chen is also an adjunct pro­fes­sor in the Depart­ment of Chem­i­cal Engi­neer­ing at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia at Davis. The award is admin­is­tered by the North Amer­i­can Catal­y­sis Soci­ety and spon­sored by the W. R. Grace & Co. It is to be award­ed bien­ni­al­ly in even-num­bered years. The award con­sists of a plaque and an hon­o­rar­i­um of $5,000. The recip­i­ent may be invit­ed to lec­ture at some of the local catal­y­sis clubs dur­ing the two-year peri­od cov­ered by this award.

Dr. Cong-Yan Chen’s research for over 25 years at Chevron cov­ers var­i­ous areas in the field of fun­da­men­tal and indus­tri­al catal­y­sis includ­ing syn­the­sis and char­ac­ter­i­za­tion of micro­p­orous and meso­porous mol­e­c­u­lar sieves, struc­ture-prop­er­ty rela­tion­ships of zeo­lites, adsorp­tion, dif­fu­sion and reac­tion mech­a­nisms. The work has had an empha­sis on inven­tion and devel­op­ment of cat­alyt­ic appli­ca­tions of zeo­lites and oth­er cat­a­lysts in refin­ing and petro­chem­istry. He and his group devel­oped sev­er­al cat­alyt­ic process­es of indus­tri­al impor­tance. In one exam­ple, alka­ne dis­pro­por­tion­a­tion is applied in upgrad­ing or elim­i­nat­ing liq­uid petro­le­um gas (LPG, con­sist­ing of propane and butanes) at remote loca­tions, with the tar­get of inte­grat­ing the result­ing ethane into nat­ur­al gas and blend­ing the result­ing C5+ liq­uid into crude oil while sav­ing the trans­porta­tion and stor­age facil­i­ties for LPG. It pro­vides an eco­nom­ic and envi­ron­men­tal­ly benign process more attrac­tive than com­plex com­bi­na­tions of oth­er exist­ing tech­nolo­gies. Dr. Chen’s work has been pio­neer­ing in the devel­op­ment of borosil­i­cate zeo­lites in the area of aro­mat­ics cre­ation and trans­for­ma­tions in the petro­chem­i­cals sec­tor. In anoth­er exam­ple, a nov­el renew­able base oil tech­nol­o­gy is trans­lat­ed into com­mer­cial val­ue via zeo­lite catal­y­sis, rais­ing the lubri­cants’ per­for­mance to the next lev­el with envi­ron­men­tal ben­e­fits and resource sustainability.
Jing­guang Chen
Pres­i­dent, North Amer­i­can Catal­y­sis Society

17th ICC will take place in San Diego, USA, June 14–19, 2020

17th ICC will take place in San Diego, USA, June 14–19, 2020, chaired by Prof. Enrique Igle­sia and Abhaya Datye, Bruce Gates, and Umit Ozkan as Vice-Chairs. The theme of the 17th ICC is “2020 Vision for Catal­y­sis”.

The web­site for ICC2020 is oper­a­tive, fol­low this link.

Noti­fi­ca­tion of accept­ed abstracts has been dis­trib­uted. Con­fer­ence Reg­is­tra­tion por­tal is open now.