Travel Grants for Attendance at the International Congress on Catalysis

The Soci­ety grate­ful­ly acknowl­edged the finan­cial sup­port of DOE, NSF, BASF, BP, Süd-Chemie, and Dow for trav­el sup­port for catal­y­sis researchers from the Unit­ed States, Cana­da and Mex­i­co to attend the ICC meet­ing in Munich.

Trav­el assis­tance was pro­vid­ed to:

  • Young fac­ul­ty in a tenure-track posi­tion (Aditya Bahn, Cathy Chin, Phillip Christo­pher, Steven Cross­ley, Lars Grabow, Simon Pod­kolzin, Carsten Siev­ers, Yyriy Roman)
  • Post-doc­tor­al fel­lows (David Fla­her­ty, Mon­i­ca Gar­cia, Raja­mani Gounder, Jan Kopy­scin­s­ki, Alexan­der Okrut, Far­naz Sotood­eh, Alek­san­dra Vojvodic).
  • Grad­u­ate stu­dents, all of whom received par­tial sup­port from the indus­tri­al spon­sor and car­ried a named fel­low­ship designation: 
    1. BASF Fel­lows (Andrew Fos­ter, Samia Ilias, Amber Jan­da, Matthew Mon­te­more, Simon Pang, Natal­ie Ray, Di Wu)
    2. BP Fel­lows (Maria Ter­an and Vic­to­ria Whiffen)
    3. Dow Fel­lows (Matthew Bouch­er, John Copeland, Shan­non Klaus, Wen-Sheng Lee, Michael Nigra, Jing Lu, and Dario Prieto).

The selec­tion com­mit­tee mem­bers were Jing­guang Chen (Chair), Bruce Cook, Enrique Igle­sia and Israel Wachs.