We are pleased to announce that partial registration support ($400), which will cover 50% of the registration fee, will be available for graduate students, post-docs and early career faculty. Approximately 40–50 participants will receive support depending on available funding. This support is made possible by grants from the National Science Foundation — Catalysis and Kinetics Program, Department of Energy — Office of Science, the North American Catalysis Society, and industry contributors (see the GRC website for an updated list as this support becomes available).
Request for support should be sent by applying to the conference chair via email to datye@unm.edu and by ensuring that the following text appears in the subject heading of your email GRC 2010 Catalysis. Please submit your application before March 31, 2010, and include as an attachment one pdf document that includes a short one page CV, a statement of your research interests, and one page letter of endorsement from your research advisor (for students and post-docs) or one page letter of current and pending support (in case of junior faculty). Support will be allocated to one student or post-doc per research group (unless additional support becomes available) and to junior faculty who are at the early career stage (with minimal extramural funding). The participants who receive support are required to present a poster at the meeting. Further information on the conference and travel support can be obtained from Prof. Datye’s web site: http://www.unm.edu/~cmem/labs/catalysis/index.html
To attend the GRC, you must apply via the following web site: http://www.grc.org/programs.aspx?year=2010&program=catalysis
For further information, please contact the conference organizers:
Abhaya K. Datye
Distinguished Professor
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM, 87131–0001
Bruce Cook
Advanced Refining Manager
BP Products N.A.
Naperville, IL, 60563–8460