Results of Directors-at-Large Elections

The results are in on the recent Direc­tors-at-Large elec­tion, which were held by elec­tron­ic bal­lot­ing over the last 3 weeks. Four mem­bers from North Amer­i­ca are elect­ed every 4 years by the mem­ber­ship resid­ing in North Amer­i­ca to serve as nation­al rep­re­sen­ta­tives to the Board of Direc­tors. The 4 per­sons receiv­ing the most votes for Direc­tors-at-Large will begin serv­ing imme­di­ate­ly. Dur­ing the elec­tions for offi­cers at the June Board meet­ing, some of those same direc­tors may be elect­ed as an offi­cer of the NACS, in which case they will be replaced by one of 3 alter­nate Direc­tors-at-Large. The alter­nate Direc­tors-at-Large rep­re­sent the next 3 per­sons receiv­ing the most votes dur­ing this recent elec­tion. If, for some unex­pect­ed rea­son, a Direc­tors-at-Large can­not serve, they will be replaced from the pool of alter­nate Directors-at-Large.

Four new Direc­tors-at-Large are 

  • Bruce Gates
  • Robert Davis
  • Stu­art Soled
  • Jing­guang Chen
  • Alter­nate #1, Matthew Neurock
  • Alter­nate #2, Bruce Cook
  • Alter­nate #3, Christo­pher Marshall

John Armor
Pres­i­dent NACS