ORCS announces 3 awards in catalysis

At their 20th ORCS meet­ing in Hilton Head, South Car­oli­na, the Organ­ic Reac­tions Catal­y­sis Soci­ety pre­sent­ed the fol­low­ing awards:

2003 Paul N. Rylan­der Award was pre­sent­ed to Don­na G. Black­mond of Impe­r­i­al Col­lege, Lon­don, in part for her kinet­ic analy­sis and mod­el­ing of cat­alyt­ic and asym­met­ric cat­alyt­ic reactions.

2004 Paul N. Rylan­der Award was pre­sent­ed to Richard C. Larock of Iowa State Uni­veristy, Ames, Iowa, as a pio­neer in the use of pal­la­di­um in organ­ic syn­the­sis, includ­ing the dis­cov­ery of a range of new method­olo­gies involv­ing aryl, allylic, and vinylic pal­la­di­um inter­me­di­ates used to syn­the­size a broad range of organ­ic compounds.

2004 Mur­ray Raney Award to Jean Lessard of the Uni­ver­siy of Sher­brooke, Que­bec, Cana­da for his pio­neer­ing efforts in elec­tro­cat­alyt­ic elec­trodes, espe­cial­ly for a more durable and struc­tural­ly sta­ble Raney-type electrode.