At their 20th ORCS meeting in Hilton Head, South Carolina, the Organic Reactions Catalysis Society presented the following awards:
2003 Paul N. Rylander Award was presented to Donna G. Blackmond of Imperial College, London, in part for her kinetic analysis and modeling of catalytic and asymmetric catalytic reactions.
2004 Paul N. Rylander Award was presented to Richard C. Larock of Iowa State Univeristy, Ames, Iowa, as a pioneer in the use of palladium in organic synthesis, including the discovery of a range of new methodologies involving aryl, allylic, and vinylic palladium intermediates used to synthesize a broad range of organic compounds.
2004 Murray Raney Award to Jean Lessard of the Universiy of Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada for his pioneering efforts in electrocatalytic electrodes, especially for a more durable and structurally stable Raney-type electrode.