The Award will be presented at the 2013 Catalysis Club of Chicago Spring Symposium and consists of a plaque, a cash award of $1,000 and reimbursement for travel and lodging as a plenary speaker at the Spring Symposium.
The nominee must meet the following criteria:
- Great achievements of catalysis research in the past five years
- For year 2013, the award will be given to Academic / National Lab researcher
- Active member in catalysis community
- A resident of North America
Deadline for nomination is February 28, 2013. Nomination should describe the specific work for which the nominee should be recognized. Complete curriculum vitae with letters of support for the nominee must be included in the nomination, together with the description of work.
Letters of nomination and supporting documentation must be sent by February 28, 2013 as a single PDF document to:
Rafael Alcala
President – Catalysis Club of Chicago (2012–2013)
150 West Warrenville Rd, Naperville, IL-60563