We’ve added a new feature the the NACS web site, www.nacatsoc.org, a bulletin board for job postings (post doc, faculty, industrial, and any other). Just click open the “Jobs Posting” folder on the left margin of any web page.
If you have a position that is CATALYSIS RELATED in North America, for which you are seeking candidates, send it to the contact address for the web site and we will post it there. The intent is to offer this as a service to those seeking jobs in catalysis within North America. When you fill the position, send us another message to remove the posting.
Our public web site gets over 1000 hits/month, with over 60,000 hits in the 3 years since the Fall of 2001!
We’ve beta tested this new service and started with one recent posting. If you have other postings that you seek to fill or other suggestions, let us know.