New job postings bulletin board on website

We’ve added a new fea­ture the the NACS web site,, a bul­letin board for job post­ings (post doc, fac­ul­ty, indus­tri­al, and any oth­er). Just click open the “Jobs Post­ing” fold­er on the left mar­gin of any web page. 

If you have a posi­tion that is CATALYSIS RELATED in North Amer­i­ca, for which you are seek­ing can­di­dates, send it to the con­tact address for the web site and we will post it there. The intent is to offer this as a ser­vice to those seek­ing jobs in catal­y­sis with­in North Amer­i­ca. When you fill the posi­tion, send us anoth­er mes­sage to remove the posting. 

Our pub­lic web site gets over 1000 hits/month, with over 60,000 hits in the 3 years since the Fall of 2001!

We’ve beta test­ed this new ser­vice and start­ed with one recent post­ing. If you have oth­er post­ings that you seek to fill or oth­er sug­ges­tions, let us know.