The Catalysis Club of Chicago is pleased to announce that the 2005 Herman Pines Award in Catalysis is presented to Professor Israel E. Wachs from Lehigh University.
The Herman Pines Award is presented annually by the Catalysis Club of Chicago at its Spring Symposium for outstanding research in the field of catalysis. Herman Pines was an outstanding research scientist, and his work revolutionized the general understanding of organic chemistry, particularly the chemistry of hydrocarbons interacting with strong acids. The award in his honor is sponsored by UOP where Herman began his industrial career in 1930 and amassed 145 US patents over a 23-year period. The award is being co-sponsored by the Catalysis Club of Chicago of which Professor Pines was a founding member.
Formal presentation of the award will take place at the 2005 Spring Symposium of the Catalysis Club of Chicago on Wednesday, May 18, 2005, where Professor Wachs will present the keynote address.